i have a whole spreadsheet dedicated to all the zines i own (i'm not joking). click on the images to be linked to the site where you can buy them (select few digital zines).
year: the year in which the zine is published, sometimes unknown. artist: 'collab' involves 2 or more contributors; 'various' involves more than 15 people and may include writers and other forms of contribution (large-scale zines). circle: stated if applicable.
go here for my old hoards blog for other books (updates irregular).
where to find zines? browse the bird app or tumblr for your favourite artists and fandoms, follow pages that promote fanzines, join a discord server where they share all kinds of stuff (small, personal zines to collaborative zines). it's how i found most of the digital zines featured here. why collect zines? it started as a way for me to support artists but also because i'm bad at retaining items that i cannot flip through, so it gradually became a hobby of sorts. a very expensive hobby. it's also least likely to be sold out at cons because of how higher priced it is compared to other merch.
backlog packages: 0
missing in transit: the mail service in my country kinna sucks but so far only one has ever gone missing, and even then idk if customs just lost my package or something else happened.