welcome to the recommendations page! here you can find things that i like, from manga/anime to films. some of these are intended for adult consumption only. hover over underlined titles in red to see additional content warnings.

yeah i like these
  • jrpgs
  • fantasy
  • emotional damage
  • animated films
  • comedy
  • queer themes
  • buff women
  • studio trigger

⭐ personal favourite

💡 life-changer

⚓ anchor

🌈 queer themes

🌶 suggestive content

🔞 adult content

❗ content warnings apply

speed round
  • Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
  • Patlabor
  • Library Wars
  • Persona 4
  • Final Fantasy XII ⭐
  • RGG/Yakuza series 🌶
  • Hikaru no Go
  • Sasameki Koto 🌈
  • Kill la Kill 🌶
  • Tales of Vesperia (original/Definitive Edition)
  • The Legend of Korra 🌈
  • Cyberpunk: Edgerunners 🔞
  • Steven Universe 🌈
  • Ace Attorney series 💡
  • Ghost Trick
  • Final Fantasy XIV Online ⚓
  • Assassin's Creed series 🌶
  • Raise Wa Tanin Ga Ii 🌶
  • Bayonetta 🌶
  • Portal & Portal 2
  • Look Back ⚓
  • Alien Stage 🌈
  • She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat 🌈

Fullmetal Alchemist ⭐

a great shounen story, one of the very few that i reread and rewatch from time to time. it's equal parts shounen action, political intrigue and conspiracy, sprinkled with some comedy topped off with big buff men and buff buxom women.

Haikyuu!! ⚓

one of the more normal sports mangas, it does not feature supernatural abilities or unhealthy team rivalries, but instead focuses on a normal protagonist who only has his love for volleyball to keep him going. you will cheer for every team, enjoy every match and love every character. at its core it is a story about effort and determination and never giving up.

Ao no Flag (Blue Flag) 🌈

if i could describe this manga in one phrase, it would be teenage romantic angst. it deals with topics like love, friendship and self-worth of teenagers going into adulthood. thankfully it's only 57 chapters unfortunately the chapters are not available for free now so. buy the volumes!

Revolutionary Girl Utena 🌈❗

it's never too late to experience this masterpiece from the 90s that defined a generation of queer people. classic fairytale shoujo romance plot with big twists. is this all real? or just symbolism? you have to see it to know. however! be warned that yuri is not the central plot.

Yuri on Ice!! 🌈

the sports anime that shook 2016 with its depiction of homosexuality without any intervention from fans. like really the writers straight up had the otp be physically intimate with each other and expect the fans to not lose their minds. well, fission mailed, we all lost our minds that day.



himbo firefighter and twink arsonist save the world from big tittied fascist. that's it, that's the story, this is a studio trigger production. expect bright colors, charming character designs and a head-bang worthy soundtrack by Hiroyuki Sawano.


Shrek is love, Shrek is life. it's a movie that never fails to entertain. i doubt anyone who has been on the internet long enough has not seen it, but if you haven't, go watch it right now. the animation might be a bit old but the story is timeless and the memes are forever. the sequel is also a banger especially that cover by Jennifer Sunders.

Everything Everywhere All at Once 🔞

it feels like cheating, putting EEAAO in here. but it's so good, it managed to make me cry not even halfway through the whole damn thing. however! the emotional impact is very subjective - my mother didn't feel a fucking thing watching this. there are a lot of underlying themes that resonated with me while my parents struggled to make sense of the movie's premise.

check these out too

Fruits Basket ❗ - don't let this late 90s shoujo fool you; it can get really dark really fast. the warning's there for repeated depictions of all kinds of abuse on all kinds of people and also irresposible adults, you will want to call CPS for this.

Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt 🔞 - anime done in a cartoony style. it's not bad, it's not good either, it's just one of a kind. the 'fanservice' consists of crude jokes, unsexy sex, undergarments as weapons and magical girl transformations on dancing poles.

Trigun/Trigun Maximum - space western with impossibly cool guns and a pacifist protagonist. i became a mourning widow after reading this, it's just that damaging to my already scuffed emotional state.

Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun - comedy 4-koma format manga/anime. highly entertaining regardless of the medium of choice. you will laugh your ass off and your abdominal muscles won't need a workout for the rest of your life.

Puella Magi Madoka Magica & Rebellion 🌈 - the famous dark mahou shoujo anime that gave us yuri jesus. it didn't do much for me because i knew some spoilers but i severely underestimated the queerness in the anime AND the sequel movie. they were not kidding when they said reality as we know it is destroyed because of lesbians.

video games

Tales of the Abyss ⭐💡⚓

the game that made me who i am today, with one of the hardest characteristic genres of the series. the first arc is difficult to go through but it gets really good afterwards. if you feel worthless, this will inspire you (i hope).

Mirror's Edge 💡

you don't play this game for the story, you play this game for the parkour and aesthetics and music. i cannot stand first person games (i have bad depth perception) but i was willing to try because i enjoyed Assassin's Creed. it was great! i really liked it!

Yakuza 0 🌶

all the games in the RGG series are great but i specifically mention this prequel because it was what introduced me to the wonderful world of shirtless buff men fist fighting in a denny's parking lot. it's a serious crime drama in video game form that also has mundane activities and bizarre side quests.


this had the internet in a twist about video games as an art form. i just thought the presentation was beautiful so i bought it as a bundle with Flower and Flow. it's short and simple, but even the most hardcore of gamers should try this out at least once.

cartoons/western animation

Avatar: The Last Airbender

you must have been living under a rock if you've never heard of this cartoon. it is one of the best western animated series to grace the world. how lucky are we to live in a time where ATLA exists. it takes a lot of inspiration from various asian cultures and uses it to tell a compelling story with great worldbuilding and characters.

She-Ra and the Princesses of Power 🌈

another cartoon made in the style of anime (like atla). the queer themes are explicit and everyone gets a happy ending, so no burying your gays this time! it has nothing to do with the existing He-Man canon and can be viewed as-is, no prior knowledge needed.


all of Furuya Nagisa (古矢渚)'s works are good, but i love Gunjou no Subete and the Summer series.

佐々木と宮野 (sasaki to miyano) - i was so obsessed with this series in 2020-2021 that i joined a discord despite being an anxious fuck around people. fudanshi school romance with some surprisingly horny moments. the spin-off series Hirano and Kagiura is more school romance + and they were roommates! + pining for a dense brick.

君には届かない。(kimi ni wa todokanai) - cute BL story about childhood friends to lovers. also has some horny moments that may pay off soon...

Hanakoi Tsurane (Dance of Love) 🔞 - 10-volume series about a kabuki duo. imagine hikago but the main leads actually get togther. reminds me a bit of the 2016 anime Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju, but they actually fuck. the romance kinna became subplot as the story went on (the mangaka even apologized for it), but their dynamic is so good you won't even mind.


Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo 🌈 - you can watch this without seeing the previous two movies, but some basic level of NGE knowledge is required to enjoy it. anyone who has eyes can see that it's totally gay but this is a 'bury your gays' situation so don't expect anything to come out of it.

Ar tonelico & nosurge series 🌶 - developed by Gust with banger music and interesting worldbuilding, but the gameplay mechanics are not for everyone. there's also a lot of sexual innuendo.

Sweet Pool 💡🔞❗ - BL visual novel that rocked my world so hard i had my very first emotional crisis which lasted 2 weeks. don't let the name fool you, it's not sweet in the slightest. omegaverse with hemorrhoids is all i can say...

Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury 🌈 - if The Tempest had a baby with Utena, it would be this. no queerbaiting, only real lesbians in mecha suits. no bury your gays, they are married in the end. Bamco can go fuck themselves.